What's Better Than Orchids? Carbon Neutral Orchids (Greenhouse Management)

As climate change continues to present a threat to our planet, sustainability is on the minds of scores of people and businesses, including those in the horticulture industry. With the industry’s need for energy use and water, it’s especially important for greenhouse owners to figure out how to operate more sustainably. And many growers are doing just that, working to reduce water and energy usage, waste, pollution and carbon output in their greenhouses.

Westerlay Orchids in Carpinteria, California, has committed to making their production carbon-neutral — meaning that they will completely offset any and all carbon emissions they create by reducing the same amount of emissions elsewhere — by 2026.


Read the full article on Greenhouse Management

What’s better than orchids? Carbon-neutral orchids

Hayley Fedders

Hey there, I’m Hayley Fedders, the founder of Studio Seaside. I started my own business because I want to maintain a healthy work schedule that honors my family life. I’m passionate about helping other creative entrepreneurs achieve their work-life balance through smart and simplified online business solutions.


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